Defy Aging: The Secret To Looking Up To 40 Years Younger

The Secret to Looking Up To 40 Years Younger
Did I get your attention?  I know what you’re thinking.  This must be too good to be true.  As crazy as it sounds, research is saying this is possible.  We all know the importance of regular exercise to keep the body healthy but recently researchers at McMaster University in Ontario did a study to show how exercise can actually reverse aging in the skin.  Could this be the fountain of youth?  

The Study
Researchers first conducted this study on mice.  After seeing the positive results exercise did with on the mice, it was rolled out to a small group of 29 men and women aged 20 to 84.  The skin that was tested was on the buttock as the researchers wanted to test a patch of skin that is not regularly exposed to the sun.  As we age, the outer layer of skin becomes thicker and the inner layer or dermis, becomes thinner.  Young skin, on the other hand, has a thinner outer layer and thicker dermis.  Participants were split up into two groups – one that did moderate to vigorous exercise for a minimum of 3 hours per week and one that remained sedentary.  Skin was biopsied before and after and in the active group, researchers found the skin to have altered back to a more youthful composition. Their outer layer became thinner and healthier while the dermis became thicker.

How exercise makes the skin look younger
The exciting part of this study is that is shows that it’s never too late to start an exercise regime.  This is where the 40 years younger part comes in.  A second part of the study showed that even in older participants, just two 30 minute sessions of exercise per week yielded significant improvements to the skin.  After 3 months of sticking to this exercise program, the skin on participants over 65 years old was closer in composition to that of a 20 – 40 year old.  The only change that these people made was adding exercise.

The domino effect
Adding regular exercise will cause a positive domino effect.  The simple act of exercising will force you to drink more water and that is always a good thing for the skin.  So, on top of getting the benefits of the exercise, you top it off by flushing the system with water which makes your skin very, very happy.  Heart pumping activity gets the blood moving  and perspiration helps the body eliminate toxins.  Plus, endorphins make you feel great after a workout.  So, the more you exercise, the more you will want to exercise.  I love the quote below because it is so true.  The only workout you will ever regret is the one you miss.

I really regret that workout said no one ever

And if you haven’t been on a regular exercise routine, you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to see results in your body and your skin.  Which leads to the next bonus – eating healthier.  Once you start seeing some positive results in your body, you are going to think twice before hitting the vending machine for your 3 pm fix.  Eating cleaner and getting rid of processed food is another great way to ensure a healthy body and healthy skin.

It may seem that this is all a lot to take on at once.  My recommendation is not to do it all at once.  Do one thing at a time.  And given that the research has shown that exercise is king, why not start there?  Don’t try too much.  Start small and when in doubt consult a professional, your doctor or a personal trainer.  But start and be on your way to a younger looking you.

19 responses to “Defy Aging: The Secret To Looking Up To 40 Years Younger

  1. Totally agree with exercise being the fountain of youth, even the brain functions better with a workout routine.

  2. These are such awesome great tips.

  3. It’s very true about the domino effect! I hate exercising, but love the way my body feels after a workout and my skin looks great 🙂

  4. daydreamingbeauty

    I need to get into a routine again, eating better and exercising!

  5. I HATE exercising.. but I should really start doing it again!

  6. I know I feel bad if I miss a workout. I definitely think I’ve been feeling better since I started working out in February.

  7. I know exercise is good for me but … LOL

  8. I definitely need to get a routine. I’ve upped my exercise but now I need to eat better – as I currently eat a Snickers. Baby steps, right? 🙂

  9. Great post! I love exercising, but there are weeks when I am just so lazy lazy lazy ……

  10. I definitely feel bad if I miss a workout, and no matter how much I don’t want to do it and want to be lazy… I always feel awesome afterwards!

  11. working out is key to looking young and feeling young!

  12. If I looked 40 years younger, I’d look 10!!!

    • I know it sounds crazy, doesn’t it? The 40 years younger part really applies to the study participants who were over 65. But that means with regular exercise, we should be able to maintain the skin of a twentysomething. 🙂

  13. I say I am going to exercise. and then I never do. I need to get into a routine and stick to it!

  14. That’s a new twist on the effects of exercise that I hadn’t heard before! Interesting.

  15. neversaydiebeauty

    I believe that my skin is proof that more than 30 years of almost daily exercise/jogging has helped my skin stay young…along with moisturizer and sunscreen!

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